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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

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NAME: Tater
AGE: 7
CONDITION: Performance
LOCATION: Hamilton, MT

"Before I started Rose-Hip Vital my horse was fighting me on his barrel turns. He didn't want to use his hind end and sit in the ground to turn and elevated whenever I touched his face. We found that he is in the process of his hocks fusing, which can be pretty painful. We started the search for a supplement that might be able to help through this process...READ MORE"


AGE: 7
CONDITION: Performance
LOCATION: Hamilton, MT

"After only being on Rose-Hip Vital for a month (finished a Equine 3.3 lb) I am seeing huge improvements." 

Before I started Rose-Hip Vital my horse was fighting me on his barrel turns. He didn't want to use his hind end and sit in the ground to turn and elevated whenever I touched his face. We found that he is in the process of his hocks fusing, which can be pretty painful. We started the search for a supplement that might be able to help through this process and found Rose-Hip Vital.

After only being on Rose-Hip Vital for a month (finished a Equine 3.3 lb) I am seeing huge improvements. He is more willing to use his hind end and sit down to turn and isn't fighting me when I ask him to come around. Additionally, he is firing harder during his run and clocking better and actually winning some money! I can't wait to see how he continues to improve.

AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis

"JP was a mustang off the north western side of Navajo Reservation. My grandpa caught him from the wild at a young colt, because he came out from the tree line and scattered his sheep, chasing the herd around. From a young colt JP grew into a big fast 16 hands mustang. JP was used in junior rodeos by my daughter in barrel racing, pole bending and...READ MORE"


AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Rose-Hip Vital has impressed me!! After 30 days of Rose-Hip Vital I was able to ride and use him at a roping event."

JP was a mustang off the north western side of Navajo Reservation. My grandpa caught him from the wild at a young colt, because he came out from the tree line and scattered his sheep, chasing the herd around. From a young colt JP grew into a big fast 16 hands mustang. JP was used in junior rodeos by my daughter in barrel racing, pole bending and team roping. She has won many events and all round titles on JP, we’re very proud of his accomplishments and he's a big part of our family. He is now a semi retired roping horse and I’ve tried all different kinds of supplements for his arthritis and damaged tendons. Rose-Hip Vital has impressed me!! After 30 days of Rose-Hip Vital I was able to ride and use him at a roping event. After coming home he walked out of the horse trailer like he is healthy, just like when he was young. Thanks Rose-Hip Vital.

JP on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Amos
AGE: -

"I was doing some research last year while my gelding (Amos aka: Moose) was recovering from a puncture wound on his knee…. I was fortunate enough to have been able to get him in for surgery right away. I knew that the road to recovery was going to have highs and lows, and that his barrel racing career might possibly be over. This was absolutely...READ MORE"


AGE: -

“The best way I can describe our experience would be, LIFE CHANGING!”

I was doing some research last year while my gelding (Amos aka: Moose) was recovering from a puncture wound on his knee…. I was fortunate enough to have been able to get him in for surgery right away. I knew that the road to recovery was going to have highs and lows, and that his barrel racing career might possibly be over. This was absolutely devastating! He was my first big purchase after college, and to picture him just standing out in the pasture was heartbreaking. He loves his job, and showing off. I knew I had to do something to help him through this recovery. I spent MANY hours ready, and searching, and studying products and supplements. I wanted the best of the best for him! And I knew that what could work for some horses, might not have the same effect on him. But with all of the reviews, and videos posted with testimonials, how could I not give Rose-Hip Vital a chance!?

The best way I can describe our experience would be, LIFE CHANGING! Before the injury, I had him on EXCEED 6-WAY which he blossomed on. During and after the injury, I tried EQUINETY, being when my mare had been similarly injured a year and a half before, I had put her on that and seen wonders worked. Equinety, unfortunately, did not have the same desired changes. With my gelding on Rose-Hip Vital, it was like night and day! He’s movements became a more fluid motion, instead of choppy and stuttered. He began taking steps confidently again, instead of hesitantly waiting for the pain. It was like he was a tinman given some oil in his joint, and he could move again! He was more relaxed and would stand with his head out the stall window and nicker non-stop at me if I did not take him out for his walks and short outdoor paddock breaks. I finally began to feel hope that things were gonna be okay for him. Since starting him on Rose-Hip Vital, I’ve noticed his spark is back. He’s ready for work, and he feels soft and supple. I can’t say enough great things about this supplement!!!! I love what it has done for my boy! If there was anything that I could change about the product, it would be the price tag. But I also know that great things come at a cost!

Thank you so much for reaching out, and for being a part of a wonderful company that has continued to exceed expectations!


NAME: Teneille Little
Champion Barrel Racer
CONDITION: Performance

"I just wanted to let you know how awesome I think your product is, I have been totally won over by it! I started my 7 yr old Barrel Racing horse Black Power on it over a month ago in preparation for our Pro Christmas run of rodeos. I have noticed a more fluent action in his gates and also a much happier, healthier horse. We competed in a total of 6 rodeos...READ MORE"

Teneille Little

Champion Barrel Racer
CONDITION: Performance

"I have noticed a more fluent action in his gates and also a much happier, healthier horse"

I just wanted to let you know how awesome I think your product is, I have been totally won over by it! I started my 7 yr old Barrel Racing horse Black Power on it over a month ago in preparation for our Pro Christmas run of rodeos. I have noticed a more fluent action in his gates and also a much happier, healthier horse. We competed in a total of 6 rodeos held over 11 days, we won 3 and placed 5th in another 2.

Thanks for making such a quality product available to us horsey people, love it!

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.