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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

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NAME: Dr Ilona Hudson
Noahs Ark Vet

CONDITION: Performance 

"I have been using Rose-Hip Vital Equine on both my dressage horses for a few years now. The horses are both Australian Warmbloods doing dressage, the 11yo is competing advanced and the 5yo is competing novice. With the horses being young and having no joint disease I am aware of, it was hard to know what to expect from the product...READ MORE"

Dr Ilona Hudson

Noahs Ark Veterinary Services
CONDITION: Performance 

"The most outstanding part of the response... was a noticeable calming effect" 

I have been using Rose-Hip Vital Equine on both my dressage horses for a few years now. The horses are both Australian Warmbloods doing dressage, the 11yo is competing advanced and the 5yo is competing novice. With the horses being young and having no joint disease I am aware of, it was hard to know what to expect from the product. I started using Rose-Hip Vital on the recommendation of a very knowledgeable client. I always like to try products on my own animals first before I recommend them to clients.

Another part of my rationale for trying Rose-Hip Vital on my horses is a sort of preventative management for them. I hope to have both of them sound for as long as possible. The most outstanding part of the response I noted in both horses in the 3-4 weeks after I started them on Rose-Hip Vital was a noticeable calming effect which was a bit of a surprise to me. They also both appeared to look really glossy and fat in the months after starting Rose-Hip Vital and I put this down to the effect of bioflavonoids. As I have already said it’s hard to monitor joint effects when I am not aware of any pre-existing disease.

A few years down the track and both horses are still maintained on very minimal feed and both continue to look and feel well and also continue to be sound and perform well. Very recently I have decided to try the product on myself as well because unlike the horses my joints can ache and I’m interested to.

NAME: Dr Rachel Salz
Randwick Equine Centre
CONDITION: Performance

"I have used Rose-Hip Vital Equine for over 18 months in performance horses of all disciplines and continue to be impressed by the results. It appears to have useful anti-inflammatory properties resulting in a reduction of pain, inflammation and even lameness in a number of horses with osteoarthritis. Some of the most noticeable results have...READ MORE"

Dr Rachel Salz

Randwick Equine Centre
CONDITION: Performance

"Noticeable results have been seen in older horses with chronic lameness conditions"

I have used Rose-Hip Vital Equine for over 18 months in performance horses of all disciplines and continue to be impressed by the results. It appears to have useful anti-inflammatory properties resulting in a reduction of pain, inflammation and even lameness in a number of horses with osteoarthritis. Some of the most noticeable results have been seen in older horses with chronic lameness conditions. Additional benefits include appetite stimulation and reduction of inflammatory and allergic skin conditions.

Dr Rachel Salz BSc(Hons) BVetMed MRCVS

NAME: Dr Suzanne Polak
Equine Veterinarian
CONDITION: Wellbeing

"Rose-Hip Vital (RHV) was initially recommended to me by a colleague. Since I have had much earlier experience with rosehips while living in Denmark, where I was in love with the rosehip (hyben) jam and a powdered concentrate made into a warm drink, I was extremely curious about what benefits RHV could provide to my patients. Soon after contacting...READ MORE"

Dr Suzanne Polak

Equine Veterinarian
CONDITION: Wellbeing

"I would recommend Rose-Hip Vital to anyone looking to reduce their reliance on anti-inflammatory medication"

Rose-Hip Vital (RHV) was initially recommended to me by a colleague. Since I have had much earlier experience with rosehips while living in Denmark, where I was in love with the rosehip (hyben) jam and a powdered concentrate made into a warm drink, I was extremely curious about what benefits RHV could provide to my patients.

Soon after contacting RHV directly, they helped me by generously providing some products to trial on a variety of cases. The cases included:

  • an equine veterinarian with spinal pain and daily consumption of ibuprofen
  • a fussy Thoroughbred in race training that would not eat and maintain weight
  • two horses suffering from insect bite hypersensitivity (receiving corticosteroids and antihistamines daily),
  • a geriatric equine patient with “sidewinder syndrome” (spinal osteoarthritis) and
  • another human with plantar fasciitis were our case studies

The results were astounding after just a few weeks: the equine vet was not reaching for the ibuprofen anymore, the fussy Thoroughbred was eating everything and winning races, the horses with the insect bite hypersensitivity were no longer rubbed raw and the other medications had been stopped when RHV started, the geriatric patient’s gait improved dramatically so he could walk straight, and the plantar fasciitis patient could start to run again.

Since then I have used RHV in horses recovering from severe infections and colic surgery, as well as horses, humans and dogs with osteoarthritis. I have really liked their friendly and approachable service, the quality and consistency of the product and how all the animals love it! The geriatric patient would have his mouth open and ready as we syringed it into his mouth each day.

I found the experience since using and supplying RHV for myself and for friends or clients to always be a positive one. I am still excited when I hear positive feedback from clients when they have started using it on themselves, their dogs or their horses.

I would recommend Rose-Hip Vital to anyone looking to reduce their reliance on anti-inflammatory medication for osteoarthritis or an immune boost when recovering from surgery or illness.

What I don’t recommend is that you stop taking it! Your aches and pains return and you find yourself reaching for the paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Dr Suzanne Polak

Equine Veterinarian

BVSc BAppSc (equine science)

Grad Dip (Animal Biomechanical Medicine)

NAME: Dr Raquel Butler
CONDITION: Performance

"I have trialled many joint supplements over my years as a Veterinarian and I have finally found a supplement that ticks all the boxes. It is a natural product that supports the entire animal and is well tolerated by the digestive system. I have seen first hand the benefits in both my own and clients horses and dogs. I have swapped many clients over...READ MORE"

Dr. Raquel Butler

Integrated Veterinary Therapeutics
CONDITION: Performance

"The differences are in behaviour, comfort, mobility, reduction in joint effusion, improved range of motion, improved coat condition, improved top line, performance and hoof health"

I have trialled many joint supplements over my years as a Veterinarian and I have finally found a supplement that ticks all the boxes. It is a natural product that supports the entire animal and is well tolerated by the digestive system. I have seen first hand the benefits in both my own and clients horses and dogs.

I have swapped many clients over from other premium joint products to Rose-Hip Vital and the clients are commenting on the obvious difference in their animals. The differences are in behaviour, comfort, mobility, reduction in joint effusion, improved range of motion, improved coat condition, improved top line, performance and hoof health in horses and general wellbeing. The animal’s ability to heal from my ABM treatments is also greatly enhanced.

I now feel confident to recommend a joint product to my clients that has the scientific backing and that I not only use personally but have great faith in as a holistic veterinary therapist.

Dr. Raquel Butler BVSc mBTAA, mETAA, mCIVT

Integrated Veterinary Therapeutics

Holistic Veterinarian and Animal Biomechanical Medicine Therapist

Equine, Canine and Cat Muscle Release Therapy Practitioner

Kinesio Taping Practitioner (Equi-tape)

Canine and Equine Rehabilitation

Veterinary Consultant for McDowells Herbal Treatments

Graduate Diploma of Animal Biomechanical Medicine Student

Equine Anatomy and Biomechanics instructor

Red Light Therapy

AGE: -
CONDITION: Wellbeing


"I’m just taking the time now to give you an update on my horse Roy after being on the initial loading dose for 4 weeks. The changes are UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! My vet that I have had out seeing Roy since the start of the year for musclar problems says that he is a changed horse. To start with he was sore and super tight everywhere, now he is that...READ MORE"


AGE: -
CONDITION: Wellbeing

"He loves his Rose-Hip Vital…..I cannot get it into the bucket fast enough sometimes"

I’m just taking the time now to give you an update on my horse Roy after being on the initial loading dose for 4 weeks.

The changes are UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
My vet that I have had out seeing Roy since the start of the year for musclar problems says that he is a changed horse. To start with he was sore and super tight everywhere, now he is that lax in his muscles that I have to start building up his core and lower back strength to help support the stock saddle that I ride in.

He loves his Rose-Hip Vital…..I cannot get it into the bucket fast enough sometimes, he loves his food and have noticed that since adding the Rose-Hip Vital into his meal he just seems to be inhaling it.
I have told the people at my agistment about the product and that it has made changes in him for the better. I will be keeping him on this product long term now.

My nurse manager (Brooke Simpson) is also my equine myotherapist for Roy (and horse riding buddy), she has been out and seen him a few times late last year/earlier this year for muscle problems and has been out and seen the results for herself with how well he has done on the Rose-Hip Vital.

I am very happy with this product and will continue to recommend it to other horse owners in future conversations.

Thank you once again for giving this product to trial on my best friend

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.