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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

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NAME: Ari, Flo & Paris
AGE: -
CONDITION: Performance

"Your product is a staple in my 3 show jumpers feeds every night ! I’m nearly finished the 15kg bucket!! Thank you for making such a valuable product 👏."

Ari, Flo & Paris

AGE: -
CONDITION: Performance

"Your product is a staple in my 3 show jumpers feeds every night"

Your product is a staple in my 3 show jumpers feeds every night ! I’m nearly finished the 15kg bucket!! Thank you for making such a valuable product 👏.

Ari, Flo & Paris Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Ari, Flo & Paris Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Ari, Flo & Paris Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Samantha Sant
CONDITION: Performance

"Keeping our horses in optimal health is very important in every horse’s daily life. They can then go out and compete feeling 100%. I started using Rose Hip Vital Equine in May 2016 and the results have been unbelievable. I had always heard good feedback about Rose Hip Vital and the huge list of benefits it offers. I was eager to try it out myself. My...READ MORE"

Samantha Sant

CONDITION: Performance

"He has been jumping the best he ever has and he just looks like a happier, brighter and healthier horse"

Keeping our horses in optimal health is very important in every horse’s daily life. They can then go out and compete feeling 100%. I started using Rose Hip Vital Equine in May 2016 and the results have been unbelievable. I had always heard good feedback about Rose Hip Vital and the huge list of benefits it offers. I was eager to try it out myself. My horse showed great signs after using the product for a short time. His overall health and condition had improved immensely, he has been jumping the best he ever has and he just looks like a happier, brighter and healthier horse.

So far I have only used Rose Hip Vital on one horse but I’ve recently purchased more and can’t wait to try Rose Hip Vital on him too and see the amazing results. My current horse is a very fussy eater and he will usually not go near anything new but he loves Rose Hip Vital and is never put of his food. I am extremely happy I tried this product because it has helped so much and it is good to know your horse is feeling at the top of his game too. I would highly recommend this product for anyone whether you’re just wanting your horse to be in overall better health or for a more specific reason like for joint pain, lameness, fast recovery and prevention. Rose Hip Vital is definitely the product to look into.

NAME: Rod McQueen
Grand Prix Show Jumper
: Performance


"I believe that maintaining optimal health is critical to one’s wellbeing in everyday life. Given that I am a passionate showjumper, this is particularly important when it comes to competition day. I have learnt from my various coaches over the years, and in particular since I have been working at Equus Australia, that this is just as important when it...READ MORE"

Rod McQueen

Grand Prix Show Jumper
: Performance


"I have noticed positive changes in her attitude towards her day to day training, in her ability to back up during competition and in her overall condition"


I believe that maintaining optimal health is critical to one’s wellbeing in everyday life. Given that I am a passionate showjumper, this is particularly important when it comes to competition day. I have learnt from my various coaches over the years, and in particular since I have been working at Equus Australia, that this is just as important when it comes to the wellbeing of your horse.


I discovered Rose Hip Vital through a friend who suggested I should start giving it to my horse, ASB Vienna. Not until doing some research did I realise that this product has an extensive list of benefits for both horses and human beings. The ability of my horse to maintain high level performance over days of competition is crucial.


I have been giving Rose Hip Vital to my horse for over 12 months and I have noticed positive changes in her attitude towards her day to day training, in her ability to back up during competition and in her overall condition.


I have also been taking Rose Hip Vital for over a year and I have never felt better!


I really notice a difference physically if I forget to take the daily dose. Whenever I go to competition I always make sure I have packed some, as it keeps me feeling in great shape.


At the recent 2015 NSW State Showjumping Championships I was delighted to win the Grand Prix on the third day of competition. Over the three days, both my horse and I felt the best we have as a combination for a long time.


If anyone is looking to incorporate a regular addition to your horse feeding program, I recommend Rose Hip Vital. In my opinion, this addition will give any horse the best opportunity to reach and maintain optimal wellbeing!


NAME: Mykaela Briggs
Showjumping Champion
: Performance


"My horses have been back on Rose-Hip Vital for the past 10 weeks now and we have once again seen fabulous results. Jellystone Park Chivas is typically one of our most fussy eaters and doesn’t fancy anything the same for more than a week. Making it hard for us to get good condition on him, when using the Rose-Hip Vital we notice a large difference in...READ MORE"

Mykaela Briggs

State Showjumping Champion
: Performance


"I feel confident knowing my horses joints are being maintained and cared for with Rose-Hip Vital."


My horses have been back on Rose-Hip Vital for the past 10 weeks now and we have once again seen fabulous results. Jellystone Park Chivas is typically one of our most fussy eaters and doesn’t fancy anything the same for more than a week. Making it hard for us to get good condition on him, when using the Rose-Hip Vital we notice a large difference in his eating pattern and consistency in how much he eats. He still leaves a small portion of food behind some days, more so in the morning than at night but we once couldn’t get him to eat breakfast at all. So that is a big benefit in itself let alone how much it protects and supports his joints. We all want out horses to last a long time and to have next to no soundness issues in their career, I feel confident knowing my horses joints are being maintained and cared for with Rose-Hip Vital.


Also over the last few weeks we have been using the product on one of our Geldings JP Cassime as a trial to see if it would make any changes to his behavioural state. Colin as he is known at home, has attitude to burn and likes to skip straight to the easy part (the jumps) and miss out everything in between. We found after starting with the product there were very minor changes at first like small wins with just getting to the arena with minimal argument, then no argument. Those who have seen him competing over the last two months have seen a change in him and I have had lots of people telling me how much better he’s looking. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s the answer to all his problems but so far he is getting more tolerable and easier to conceive the harder work especially on the flat isn’t that hard. This means by doing more of it he is getting stronger and then obviously isn’t as argumentative because he is finding it easier and more enjoyable. So all in all I think it’s been very successful for this horse.


All our team are busy preparing for our up and coming state championships with Jellystone Park Chivas in great form winning the main class at the last 3 shows. As well as JP Cassime moving up the heights and placing in 5th in the recent Future stars event and 2nd in two of his recent 1.10m championships. We are hoping to have a big team of around 7 horses campaigning at the state champs ranging from the babies in the 90cm classes up to the main classes 1.35+.


Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.