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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

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AGE: 10
LOCATION: Moses Lake, WA

“Peanut today has been moving freer and happier to be rode”



I bought this for my 10-year-old mare that has been “crippled” or “off” for 5 years. She was excellent and super-fast barrel horse at age 4 but when she was 5 she got her halter caught on the trailer, panicked, and pulled back. I believe this messed up her pull which then led to her back and into each over her legs overtime after still competing and training. She started limping but she would favor a different leg every time. I saw a horse on one of your videos that moved a lot like Peanut so I thought “well it’s can’t hurt to try”. Peanut today has been moving freer and happier to be rode, she’s not completely sound yet but she’s getting really close!

I have been very happy with the results!


NAME: Cupid
AGE: 18
CONDITION: Performance

"Hi team I couldn’t help but want to promote this product. We have had Cupid for 10 years and I’ve never seen him looking so good as he does at present after about six months on Rose-Hip Vital equine. This product is truly amazing. For a horse of his age, his ability to maintain a sustained a level of endurance you can see it in this boy‘s eyes that he still enjoying...READ MORE"


AGE: 18
CONDITION: Performance

"I’ve never seen him looking so good as he does at present after about six months on Rose-Hip Vital equine. This product is truly amazing."

Hi team I couldn’t help but want to promote this product. We have had Cupid for 10 years and I’ve never seen him looking so good as he does at present after about six months on Rose-Hip Vital equine. This product is truly amazing. For a horse of his age, his ability to maintain a sustained a level of endurance you can see it in this boy‘s eyes that he still enjoying eventing with my daughter. Earlier this year he run one of the best times I’ve seen in barrels at the local rodeo under a new rider and showed a wow factor of a young horse. Thankyou you so much and I would not be moving away from this to other tried products again and though this may not work for all horses I would encourage anyone with horse getting on in years to at least give it a try for three months, because the results we’ve seen in our Cupid have been amazing thanks.

NAME: Parker
AGE: 14
CONDITION: Performance

"I have started taking Rose-Hip Vital for myself and since taking it feel amazing. I recently started 2 of our horses on it as well - one being a 17 yo 2star eventing horse and also our 14yo tb show horse Parker. The boys are moving absolutely amazing and our daughter is taking the show horse to nationals in September. We also just ordered...READ MORE"


AGE: 14
CONDITION: Performance

"The boys are moving absolutely amazing and our daughter is taking the show horse to nationals in September."

I have started taking Rose-Hip Vital for myself and since taking it feel amazing. I recently started 2 of our horses on it as well - one being a 17 yo 2star eventing horse and also our 14yo tb show horse Parker. The boys are moving absolutely amazing and our daughter is taking the show horse to nationals in September. We also just ordered another tub as we have a pet jersey cow and I’m going to take before video of her she’s struggling to walk and get up and I’m hoping starting her on this will improve her mobility.

Parker on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis

"JP was a mustang off the north western side of Navajo Reservation. My grandpa caught him from the wild at a young colt, because he came out from the tree line and scattered his sheep, chasing the herd around. From a young colt JP grew into a big fast 16 hands mustang. JP was used in junior rodeos by my daughter in barrel racing, pole bending and...READ MORE"


AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Rose-Hip Vital has impressed me!! After 30 days of Rose-Hip Vital I was able to ride and use him at a roping event."

JP was a mustang off the north western side of Navajo Reservation. My grandpa caught him from the wild at a young colt, because he came out from the tree line and scattered his sheep, chasing the herd around. From a young colt JP grew into a big fast 16 hands mustang. JP was used in junior rodeos by my daughter in barrel racing, pole bending and team roping. She has won many events and all round titles on JP, we’re very proud of his accomplishments and he's a big part of our family. He is now a semi retired roping horse and I’ve tried all different kinds of supplements for his arthritis and damaged tendons. Rose-Hip Vital has impressed me!! After 30 days of Rose-Hip Vital I was able to ride and use him at a roping event. After coming home he walked out of the horse trailer like he is healthy, just like when he was young. Thanks Rose-Hip Vital.

JP on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Greyfeathers
AGE: 23
CONDITION: Arthritis

"I saw your product through a Facebook ad back at the beginning of September. I have a 23 year old appaloosa who works 10+ hours in lessons and another 10+ hours training a week for competition. He is a ranch versatility horse but does have some arthritis in his sacral area which flares up every winter. This causes intermittent lameness and makes him...READ MORE"

Greyfeathers Chants of War

AGE: 23
CONDITION: Arthritis

“I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now”

I saw your product through a Facebook ad back at the beginning of September. I have a 23 year old appaloosa who works 10+ hours in lessons and another 10+ hours training a week for competition. He is a ranch versatility horse but does have some arthritis in his sacral area which flares up every winter. This causes intermittent lameness and makes him pretty grumpy when worked.

I’ve had him on countless NSAIDs and joint supplements so when I saw your ad, I figured what could it hurt to try your equine supplement if it provided him some relief.

I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now, even in our 30 degree weather right now. I have yet to see any signs of lameness and he is so eager to work with me.

We may have additional horses move to this supplement before the end of the year. I recommend your company to everyone I know!

I love your product and cannot say enough good things about it!


Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.